Comprehensive Project
THIS part is separate from the bottom part its by its self
- Post an executive summary of your Comprehensive Project in the body of a post in this discussion (please do not use attachments). An Executive Summary is a one-page document that outlines the purpose, process, findings, discussion, and findings of a report submitted to management. CEOs often read and assess an Executive Summary before deciding to read the entire report, so this must be high quality narrative that demonstrates the significance of the work undertaken, the objectivity of research and analysis underpinning the report, and the credibility of the resulting conclusions.
- Please review the Executive Summaries of other students, providing an objective assessment and constructive feedback that will help strengthen the effectiveness of their efforts and the quality of the finished report.
this part is separate from the top, this part it 5-7 pages it includes the introduction, abstracts, title , references
The most popular way for international expansion is for a local firm to acquire foreign companies. One of the most benefits for international expansion is global distribution capability that helps expanding the market share.
There are different implications of running a company that is within or outside of the European Union. If you were the head of a firm based in the United States, please answer the following questions, providing the rationale behind your answers:
- Would you seek to acquire a company within the European Union or outside of it? Why?
- Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the choice you made.
- Describe the advantages and disadvantages inherent in the option you did not choose.
- Explain why an MNC may invest funds in a financial market outside its own country.
- Explain why some financial institutions prefer to provide credit in financial markets outside their own country.

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