The Secret to Raising Smart Kids

After you have annotated Dr. Carol Dweck’s “The Secret to Raising Smart Kids,” completed the Fixed Vs. Growth Mindset Graphic Organizer, answered the class Discussion Questions, studied the S & R #1 Guidelines & Writing Frame, and Sample S & R, type your own S & R #1 for Dweck’s article.

Since this is your first academic summary and response for our class, feel free to use the sentence starters from our S & R #1 Guidelines handout Pg 3-5 to get used to the organizational format, academic summary phrasing, quote integration, and formatting.

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The Secret to Raising Smart Kids
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Be sure to proofread carefully out loud 4 times, save to your computer documents and flash drive as Engl 120 S & R #1 (8-25-20) , and then submit your S & R #1 as a Word Doc to Canvas Tues. 8/25 at 2:00 p.m. (25 Points).

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