Personal Troubles and Social Issues

please answer following questions and follow the instructions

1.Explain the sociological imagination in your own words. Use an example to describe what it means.

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Personal Troubles and Social Issues
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2.What do sociologists mean by Personal Troubles and Social Issues? (Define and explain the terms in your own words).


List a few personal troubles that you (or if necessary, people close to you) have had.

a. Can you connect those personal troubles to public/ broader social issues?

b. Are there ways in which public policies affected the way people close to you resolved those troubles?

c. Would these troubles have affected you differently if you had been born a different sex? Why?

d. Would these troubles have affected you differently if you had been born a different race? Why?

e. What if you had been born in a different country? (Make sure to discuss a specific country, why it would be different, etc.)

*** Make sure to support what you say with FACTS. You will need to research and cite reputable academic, peer reviewed, sociological sources (academic journal articles) OR reputable government statistics (government reports, census information, etc.). No other sources are acceptable.

*** You must use the ASA citation style. You must cite in text and also have a reference section.

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