Shaping Business Opportunities

Question 1: Aligning competitive, operations and marketing strategy (35 marks, 300 words)

Discuss IKEA’s competitive strategy, operations strategy and marketing strategy.

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Shaping Business Opportunities
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Is the operations strategy aligned with the competitive strategy? Discuss in terms of the four key areas of operations strategy.

Is the marketing strategy aligned with the competitive strategy? Discuss in terms of IKEA’s target market.

Question 2: The five performance objectives (30 marks, 300 words)

The 4Vs of operations influence the operations design. Discuss the 4Vs of operation at IKEA and then discuss the impact that these dimensions have on the cost of operations.

Question 3: IKEA’s supply chain (35 marks, 300 words)

  1. Discuss the meaning of supply chain management. (5 marks)
  2. As completely as possible, discuss the supply chain for IKEA from raw materials to consumer purchase. (30 marks)

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