Week 3 Synthesizing Write-up
In order to demonstrate your knowledge of course materials and your ability to make connections between the readings, lectures, and film screenings, you will answer three prompted questions that ask you to synthesize the course materials from the week (or to connect one week’s course materials to another week’s course materials). For more details on what is expected, and recommendations for a strong write-up, please see bullet point list below.
- Written clearly, proofread, organized in a clear and effective way (no more than 300 words per question)
- Addresses the questions directly and completely (especially, if there are multiple parts to the question)
- Demonstrates (even highlights) knowledge of the course materials, especially by constructing answers with examples that connect readings, lectures, and films
- Integrates quotations from textbook, readings, lecture videos, or films (needs to be cited correctly, MLA style (Links to an external site.), and appropriately—not too much quotation, addressed in your own words after citing)
- Demonstrates deep analytical and critical thinking (through a cultural studies lens)
- Attentive to the political and historical context of the period, film, filmmaker, movement, etc. being written about
- When appropriate, develops a strong argument that is proven through well-chosen evidence that is vividly described in your answer
- Compare the different ways that Zhang Yimou’s Heroand Jia Zhangke’s The Worldportray and use spectacles in their respective films. Construct an argument about what these different portrayals of spectacle mean and/or what effect they have on their audiences. In other words, what do you think these filmmakers were trying to do in the ways they portrayed spectacles? In your answer, please give two specific examples and reference one other film or filmmaker you’ve learned about this week. A strong answer will demonstrate critical thinking through a cultural studies lens (please revisit Yaniga’s chapter if necessary) and highlight your knowledge of these two filmmakers within the context of Chinese cinema history,
Recommend revisiting the ‘Fifth Generation and Beyond: Zhang Yimou, To Live, Lu Chapt. 4, & Jia Zhangke Lecture Video’. Also, feel free to reference this lecture video in your answer. Link:https://uci.zoom.us/rec/play/vpEtde2q_DM3GN2dsQSDC_J-W9TpLq-s1nAd-vRfnkm0BnNQZFf3Y7YVNrTWUqG4njeDKR3GFKBmUQ90?continueMode=true&_x_zm_rtaid=HB18Xcy0Q36MAANQJfrWvA.1597848742420.3d80f7d4bd1deb6dab8acffccb31ba13&_x_zm_rhtaid=437
**The term ‘spectacle’ can have many different meanings and connotations. In cinema studies, it can refer to spectacular displays or exhibitions of imagery; impressive and grand shows of entertainment; displays of grandeur, etc. It can also carry more negative connotations of distraction and ridicule; “making a spectacle out of something”, or “pure spectacle” without substance. If helpful, here is a link to the Oxford English Dictionary’s definitions: https://www.oed.com/search?searchType=dictionary&q=spectacle&_searchBtn=Search (Links to an external site.)
- Using the last two lecture videos on New South Korean Cinema and Nikki J.Y. Lee’s article, compare and contrast the film The Host(Bong Joon-ho, 2006) with the film Jaws(Spielberg, 1975). In your answer, you will want to think through both a critical industry lens and a critical textual analysis lens. In other words, the answer should address both the industry practices surrounding The Host (the production, distribution (marketing), exhibition) and The Host’s cultural and political meaning (based on its narrative and form)–and compare and contrast these to what we learned about Jaws in Week 1. A strong answer will address both approaches (industry and textual) and use, at least, two specific examples from The Host to construct your answer. As always, a strong answer will think through a cultural studies lens (how do the industry practices and representations in the film reinforce or resist dominant power relations…).
Link of :New South Korean Cinema, The Host, Critical Industry Studies Lecture Video
Link of:New South Korean Cinema_The Host_Critical Textual Analysis Lecture Video
- We saw multiple films this week that add to our list of political filmmaking. However, this week, very new models and ways of approaching political filmmaking were introduced–in Yellow Earth, To Live, The World, The Host. Choose two films from this week and compare them to a film from Third Cinema last week. Construct an argument for what you believe is a more effective approach to political filmmaking and explain why. Make sure to briefly and concisely contextualize the films you choose in order to make sense of them in their specific historical and political contexts (what were these directors making political films about and for who?). Also, make sure to address the specific genres and formal styles in your answer. Genre and stylistic choices are always part of the film’s politics.
Link of:Introduction_Key Concepts & Histories_Third Cinema
Link of :Third Cinema_Towards a Third Cinema, Hour of the Furnaces, & Xala Lecture Video
Link of:Third Cinema_One Way of Another (De Cierta Manera) Lecture Video
I am so sorry that you should find those movie and watch by yourself. Fortunately, these movies are famous and easy to find online.
For the readings I already upload.
Please follow the guideline very carefully and write correctly.
If you have any question please ask me.
Please write as better as possible.
Thank you!

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