Social Work 200A: Final Exam – Distance Education

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Social Work 200A: Final Exam – Distance Education
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Please write clearly and use appropriate grammar, spelling, and punctuation.


Definitions: Please define the following. 1 mark each. (20 marks)


  1. Medicine Wheel:




  1. Privilege:




  1. Colonization:




  1. Ethical dilemma:




  1. Empowerment:




  1. Empathy:




  1. Anti-oppressive practice:




  1. Client-centered:





  1. Sixties scoop:




  1. Structural social work:





  1. Strength-based social work:





  1. Ecosystems theories:





  1. Attachment:





  1. Resistance:





  1. Systemic racism:





  1. Feminization of poverty:





  1. Family preservation perspective:





  1. Oppression:






  1. Reflexivity:






  1. Theory:



Paragraphs (40 marks):

Please answer each question with one paragraph. Recommended 250-500 words per question (depending on number of marks allotted). Please use complete sentences and appropriate grammar and punctuation; however, your content is the most important part. Please do not write your answers in point form! Marks for each paragraph are indicated in each question.


  1. What is “burnout”? Why is it a concern in Social Work? What responsibility do individual Social Workers, employers, and government have (if any) in preventing burnout? (3 marks)





  1. Define “social location.” What is YOUR social location? How will this impact your relationship with clients? (4 marks)






  1. Discuss one historical event, era, social movement, or milestone that has contributed to the development of Social Work in Canada. Include: what happened? Who was involved? Is it part of the French, English, and/or Indigenous history of Social Work? When did it happen (roughly)? Why was it important to Canadian society? How did it impact Social Work as a profession? How can this influence be seen today? (5 marks)






  1. What is oppression? Define oppression and give 2 – 3 examples of how oppression and/or systemic racism have negatively impacted minoritized groups in Canada. (5 marks)







  1. Choose one of the following populations that was not the focus of your online presentation: women, children/youth, Aboriginal, racialized Canadians, people with disabilities, elderly, LGBTQ. Discuss one social issue experienced by this population and how a Social Worker might be involved. What are two skills that a Social Worker would need in order to act in a helpful, ethical way? (4 marks)






  1. According to Wade (1997), what is “resistance”? Describe how a victim of violence might resist the oppression she/he is experiencing. Why is it important to highlight these attempts at maintaining dignity when working with clients? How does our language and the language used in the media relate to accounts of violence and resistance? (4 marks)







  1. What is critical social work? How does critical social work reflect the ethical mandate to promote social justice and respect the inherent worth of the client? (4 marks)






  1. Discuss the need for Indigenous-specific approaches to Social Work. What characteristics of social work with Aboriginal populations are unique from “mainstream” approaches? (4 marks)







  1. What is confidentiality? What is the purpose of confidentiality as a core value in Social Work? What are the limits of confidentiality in the client-worker relationship? (3 marks)








  1. Reflect on your own experience of this course and discuss one or two significant things you have learned. Learning may have come from online discussions, readings, assignments, and/or contributions from your classmates. What, if anything, did you learn about yourself through this class? As you come to the end of this course, do you think you are suited to the Social Work profession? Why or why not? How do your personal values and ethics fit with Social Work? (In this question, I am looking for some critical self-reflection about your learning and your own self-awareness. I invite you to include content about your social location, experiences of oppression and/or privilege, and other thoughts on how the course content personally impacted you.) (4 marks)







Case Study (15 marks): Lia is a 40-year old Aboriginal woman living on reserve in Westbank. She is married to a man named Todd who is 52 and they have two children age 11 and 8. Lia and Todd both attended residential schools in Northern BC and have been disconnected from their communities and families since that time. They met at the Kelowna Friendship Centre during a healing circle for residential school survivors and have been happily married for 15 years. In your role as Drug & Alcohol Counselor with Interior Health, you receive a call from Lia. When you meet her, Lia tells you that she is concerned that her drinking is getting out of hand. She has been drinking increasing amounts of hard alcohol and often finds she needs a drink first thing in the morning to be able to “face the day.” She tells you that things changed for her when her oldest child turned 11; this is the age at which Lia was taken from her community to attend a residential school. Upon further dialogue, you learn that Todd is a strong support for Lia and is someone she can lean on; however, they do not have friends in their community. Todd works occasionally in construction but the family relies on Income Assistance (welfare) to get by. Lia is ashamed of being on welfare and says she has tried to get various jobs, but for some reason is never hired following her interview. You agree to work with Lia following this intake appointment. Please answer the following questions (marks as indicated):


  1. Hypothesize some individual- and structural-level issues that may contribute to Lia’s drinking. List the pros and cons of using an individual approach and a structural approach. (4 marks)




  1. Identify at least three strengths apparent in Lia’s life. How might you use these strengths to help Lia in her recovery? (3 marks)



  1. Consider the psychodynamic perspective and client-centered perspective as they relate to your work with Lia. Which approach do you think would be the best fit for her? Why? (2 marks)




  1. How would you go about setting goals for your work with Lia? From your perspective as her social worker, what do you think the goals should be? (2 marks)




  1. Name one ethical dilemma that could arise in your work with Lia. (You do not need to use information presented in the case – you may be creative and imagine something that might come up in your ongoing work with her.) Be specific and use the BCASW and/or CASW Code of Ethics. How would you handle the ethical dilemma? (2 marks)




  1. Discuss the merits of involving Lia in a social action movement related to her life challenges. What might be the pros and cons of doing this? What kind of theoretical approach would you be taking if you encouraged her to get involved in the community this way? (2 marks)








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