Literacy Instructional Strategies Assignment


Grading Rubric
Identification of Literature The candidate has identified two books that students will read appropriate to the grade level and content area. The books are of general interest to most students. The selected books are considered classics in the field or are from authors from minority backgrounds or cultures and are NOT considered textbooks. The candidate has included a detailed explanation regarding why each book was chosen. The candidate has identified two books that students will read appropriate to the grade level and content area. The books are of general interest to most students. The identified books are NOT textbooks, but books that could be used to supplement & expand on content from the textbook. The candidate has included a short explanation regarding why each book was chosen. The candidate has identified two books that students will read appropriate to the grade level and content area. The books may be of limited interest to some children and there is no explanation or justification of use. The candidate has not identified two books appropriate to the grade and content level.
Plan to Assess Literacy The candidate has created detailed plans to assess all six dimensions of literacy for each book. The candidate has carefully planned different strategies for each book and explained exactly how each dimension will be assessed by using techniques explored in the course and those found through independent research on literacy assessment strategies. The plans are perfectly connected to the books the students will read by using specific words, vocabulary, phrases, and excerpts from each book to craft the plans. The candidate has created plans to assess most of the dimensions of literacy for each book. The candidate has carefully planned different strategies for each book by using techniques explored in the course and those found through independent research on literacy assessment strategies. The plans are clearly connected to the books the students will read.

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Literacy Instructional Strategies Assignment
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(Dimensions of literacy – oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension)

The candidate has created plans to assess a few dimensions of literacy and/or the plans are lacking in details and/or the plans are not connected to the books the students will be reading.

(Dimensions of literacy – oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension)

The candidate does not have a clear plan to assess literacy.
Research and Credible Sources The candidate has cited at least 3 credible sources and synthesized in detail how this research can be used to improve his/her work in the classroom. The candidate has cited at least two credible sources outside the course readings for the assessment plans and has synthesized in general terms how the research can be used to improve his/her work in the classroom. The candidate has cited at least one credible source outside the course readings for the assessment plans, but has not commented on how this knowledge can be used to improve his/her work in the classroom. The candidate has not cited any credible sources for the assessment plans.
Spelling and Grammar The work is written at a graduate level or post-graduate level. The writing is well-organized and clear. The work contains no spelling or grammatical errors that interfere with the clarity of the work. The work is written at a graduate level. The work contains 1-3 spelling or grammatical errors, or the writing is basic in sentence structure. The lack of proofreading or writing mastery detracts from the clarity of the work but the writer’s overall meaning is still clear. The work contains 4 or more spelling or grammatical errors, or the work is not written at a graduate level. The lack of proofreading or writing mastery significantly interferes with the clarity of the work.


1. Identify two books that your students will read. Make sure the books are grade level appropriate and align with your content area. See the rubric for specific requirements. You must provide your grade level and content area of licensure in the assignment.

2. Combine the course readings with independent research on literacy assessment strategies in order to create plans to assess students’ literacy focusing on each dimension of literacy – oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.

3. Make sure that your plans connect to the books that your students will read by including specific vocabulary from the book in word based assessments and include specific comprehension strategies when assessing comprehension. Make sure to plan for assessing phonological awareness, phonics, and fluency even if you plan to teach at the secondary level.

4. Cite the credible sources you found through your research on literacy assessment to create your plans.


NOTE: It is important that teachers for all grade levels and content areas have an understanding of how students develop literacy skills over time from preschool through grade 12. Students at all grade levels come into our classrooms at varying levels of literacy development. Some secondary students (English learners, special education students, struggling learners) still need guided and independent practice using appropriate activities that promote development of and assess oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, and fluency.

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