Sales Forecasting and Cash Flow

Discussion 1:

“Sales Forecasting and Cash Flow” Please respond to the following:

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Sales Forecasting and Cash Flow
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  • An important step in developing a projected (pro forma) income statement is to create a sales forecast and calculate anticipated revenue for the business. Imagine you are creating a business: develop a sales forecast and estimate revenue for the first year of operation, and describe the process you used to arrive at your estimates.
  • The three (3) primary causes of cash flow problems in a business are accounts receivable, accounts payable, and inventory. Imagine you are creating a business: identify one (1) cause of cash flow problems that you believe will be the most challenging for your company. Next, discuss the strategies you will use to mitigate problems in this area.

Discussion 2:

“Equity and Debt Financing” Please respond to the following:

  • Using the Internet or Strayer databses, examine two (2) sources of outside equity capital available to entrepreneurs. Next, describe the source(s) you would use if you were creating a new company. Explain your rationale.
  • Using the Internet or Strayer databses, analyze two (2) sources of debt financing. Next, discuss which non-bank source you would use if you were creating a new company. Explain your rationale.

Discussion 3:

“Location and Quality Control” Please respond to the following:

  • Identify three (3) factors you would recommend be used to select a location for a business in order to provide it with a competitive advantage. Next, select a location, and state the reasons that support your site selection. (If you envision this business being online only, then identify a temporary, pop-up site that will help this business enter a new market.)
  • You want to adopt a program to improve quality and efficiency within a company. Analyze four (4) quality control tools (Lean Principles, 5S Principles, Six Sigma, and Total Quality Management). Next, discuss which tool you would select to implement into a business. Justify your response.

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