Native American History

Please read each section of the assignment carefully and answer in full sentences using proper grammar. Be sure to completely document any sources used within the assignment.

Part 1:

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Native American History
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After watching the Video: “The Tragedy of Wounded Knee (The Ghost Dance)” ( answer the following questions:

  • Why was the Sioux Ghost Dance considered to be a form of rebellion?
  • Why were the Sioux so anxious to believe in the host Dance?

Format: The essay should be between 1 -2 pages, Arial ,double spaced and 12-point font and all references cited.

Part 2:

Compose a descriptive paragraph on what life would be like on an Indian reservation in the late 1800’s.

Format: The essay should be between 1 -2 pages, Arial, double spaced and 12-point font and all references cited.

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