Lululemon athletica organization

  • Identify and analyze Lululemon athletica organization and its governance and leadership structures to ensure enhanced understanding of the decision-making process.


Maximum 4 Pages. In text citation must

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Lululemon athletica organization
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  • Based on your approved project proposal develop the following sections:
    • Introduction – this section will provide the reader with the purpose of the assignment, organization that you have chosen, and reasons for your choice.
    • Organizational Description – this section will provide an overview of the organization. This overview will include a summary of:
      • Its organizational and governance structure as in whether they are led by a board of directors or public administrator.
      • The organization’s geographical location (i.e., urban, rural, or remote).
      • Potential population characteristics (i.e., majority aboriginal populations, etc.).
      • Potential challenges that you can identify for this organization (i.e., access to services due to geographic location, etc.) in which technology can play a significant role.
      • Description of the technological need(s) that this organization is required to address.
      • Proposal of some potential solutions – do not forget the rationale (i.e., why?)

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