Expansion of Services and Capabilities

Using the library, Internet, or any other resources as well as the operations strategy framework, explain how new additional services can be seamlessly integrated into Smith’s organization. Detail the steps required to move Smith from current state to your proposed future state.

Include the following in your answer:

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Expansion of Services and Capabilities
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  • Connection to the operations strategy framework (business direction, offerings, resources, discriminators, competitive analysis, performance, customer needs, and operational metrics)
  • Provide a visual graphic (Word, PowerPoint or Visio) showing the current state for Smith’s organization from order to cash and your proposed future state.
  • An example of a company or situation similar to Smith’s that has added and integrated additional service offerings the impact of their approach
  • 1,000–1,500 word document (including graphic process map in MS Visio or MS PowerPoint)

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