Romania Case Study: Please review the video and follow the rubric posted below.
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Romania Case Study
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For each of the case studies, students will prepare an assessment of between 1,100 and 1,200 words of text, 1.5 spaced. Each case study should have a separate bibliography including at least 2 references (not including the videos), using APA format. Header and bibliography does not count towards word count. Each assessment should have:
- Title
- Topic sentence (a single sentence or two which summarize the student’s understanding of the situation, the actions taken by the consulting engineer, and lessons learned)
- Situation assessment (What was the factual situation on the ground? What were the main challenges? What role could, and should, the consulting engineer play?)
- Lessons learned (this should include not just the lessons learned by the consulting engineer as expressed in the case study, but the lessons learned by the student looking at the case study as a whole)
Summer 2020 Case Study Rubric
Summer 2020 Case Study Rubric
Criteria |
Ratings |
Pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTitle |
2.5 ptsFull Marks
Title present. |
0.0 ptsNo Marks
Title not present. |
2.5 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTopic Sentence |
2.5 ptsFull Marks
A single sentence or two which summarize the student’s understanding of the situation, the actions taken by the consulting engineer, and lessons learned. |
0.0 ptsNo Marks
Topic sentence not present. |
2.5 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSituation Assessment |
15.0 ptsFull Marks
The following prompts are addressed: What was the factual situation on the ground? What were the main challenges? What role could, and should, the consulting engineer play? |
8.0 ptsPartial Marks
Some of the following prompts are addressed: What was the factual situation on the ground? What were the main challenges? What role could, and should, the consulting engineer play? |
0.0 ptsNo Marks
None of the following prompts are addressed: What was the factual situation on the ground? What were the main challenges? What role could, and should, the consulting engineer play? |
15.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscussion of ESEM Principles |
15.0 ptsFull Marks
ESEM principles are mentioned and discussed in the essay. |
8.0 ptsPartial Marks
ESEM principles are mentioned but not discussed in the essay. |
0.0 ptsNo Marks
ESEM principles are not mentioned or discussed in the essay. |
15.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLessons Learned |
10.0 ptsFull Marks
Lessons of the consultant engineer and the student are present. |
5.0 ptsPartial Marks
Only lessons learned by the consultant engineer or the student are present. |
0.0 ptsNo Marks
No lessons learned are present. |
10.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBetween 1,100 and 1,200 Words |
20.0 ptsFull Marks
Within given range. |
10.0 ptsPartial Marks
Within 100 words over or under. |
0.0 ptsNo Marks
Under 1,000 words or above 1,300 words. |
20.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProper Grammar and Spelling |
20.0 ptsFull Marks
No errors or minor grammar and spelling errors. |
10.0 ptsPartial Points
Spelling and grammar errors distract from essay. |
0.0 ptsNo Marks
Spelling and grammar errors make essay incomprehensible. |
20.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome1.5 Spacing |
5.0 ptsFull Marks
1.5 spacing used. |
0.0 ptsNo Marks
1.5 spacing not used. |
5.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome2 ReferencesCredit only awarded for the following two criteria if 2 references are present. |
0.0 ptsFull Marks |
0.0 ptsNo Marks |
0.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn-text APA Citations |
5.0 ptsFull Marks
In-text APA citations present. |
0.0 ptsNo Marks
No in-text citations or APA not used. |
5.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Bibliography |
5.0 ptsFull Marks
APA bibliography present. |
0.0 ptsNo Marks
No bibliography or APA not used. |
5.0 pts |
Total Points: 100.0 |