Healthy People 2020

Assignment 1

  1. Mention and discuss the Healthy People 2020 wellness goals and objectives for older adults.
  2. Define and discuss the aging process and the demographic characteristics of the elderly population in your community.
  3. Identify and discuss nursing actions that address the needs of older adults.
  4. Mention and discuss health/illness concerns common to the elderly population.

APA format word document.A minimum of 2 evidence-based references

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Healthy People 2020
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Assignment 2

1. What is your role as a nurse in protecting patient healthcare information?

2. Describe the role of information management nursing practice.

3. Research what types of technologies and service such as free internet exist in South Florida for underserved populations. Describe what they are and how does the underserved population gain access to them.

Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3 least references (APA) included in your post.

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