Epistemology, Metaphysics, and Reason

Epistemology, Metaphysics, and Reason (375 words minimum)​(Be sure you are clearly writing about epistemology as the predominant theme in this section.)
A.) Show how reason is understood by way of ​René Descartes​.
1.) First show how reason is connected to skepticism for
2.) Then show how Descartes’ skepticism is understood by
way of metaphysics in terms of ‘what is’ & ‘what is not.’
3.) Also show how reason is objective and not subjective
(for Descartes).
Epistemology, Metaphysics, & Empiricism (375 words minimum)​ (Be sure you are clearly writing about epistemology as the predominant theme in this section.)
A.) Show how ​David Hume​ is skeptical of reason by way of causation.
1.) How is Hume’ skepticism related to habit and his problem with causation?
2.) How does Hume’s skepticism relate to metaphysics terms of ‘what is’ and ‘what is not?’
3.) How does Hume’s problem of causation relate to his problem of induction?

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Epistemology, Metaphysics, and Reason
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