Chapter Eleven: Climate Analysis
You must make two connections (references) between the assignment and your Adler and Proctor II (2017) text.
Learning Objectives:
Demonstrate understanding of Gibb’s theory as it apply to a particular situation.
Identify defensive patterns in your own important relationships, and describe their consequences.
Apply “coping with criticism” strategies to a particular situation.
Use the case below and the discussion questions that follow to discuss the variety of communication issues involved in effective communication.
Case: Gil and Lydia are brother and sister. They love one another and feel close. Their mother often tells Gil how wonderful Lydia is to call her so often, how smart Lydia is, what a good athlete she is, and how much she enjoys Lydia bringing home her friends to visit. Mom tells Lydia how generous Gil is, how hard he works, how many interesting things he does, and how well he manages money. The overall climate of the relationship between Gil and Lydia and their mother is good, but both Gil and Lydia find themselves getting defensive when their mom spends so much time praising the other.
Use aspects of Gibb’s theory to explain why Gil and Lydia get defensive about these positive statements about the other.
Discuss situations similar to the one above in which people get defensive about statements that, on the surface, are positive and supportive.
Write coping with criticism responses for Gil or Lydia to use the next time their mother praises their sibling.
How could Gil and Lydia’s mother change the comments she makes about each sibling to reduce defensive reactions?
Reflection: Identify if you learned anything new about yourself. Is anything you are thinking of adjusting as far as your communication style?
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