Wharton Robert Frost
Edith Wharton Robert Frost
James Baldwin Dr. Suess
Joseph Conrad Ursula K. LeGuin
Frank Norris Philip K. Dick
Toni Morrison Herman Melville
J.D. Salinger Langston Hughes
Lorraine Hansberry
George Eliot
The first one-to-two pages is to be a simple biography of the writer, from childhood up until the author’s writing career got started. This section must have information from at least two sources, which information must be tagged with in-text citations, and the sources must appear on the Works Cited page.
After the biography, the remainder of your 4+ pages is to be used summarizing at least five literary essays about one of the author’s well-known works (all five articles about the same work), exactly the same way you summarized the Judith K. Russell essay on Trifles.
Standard MLA format is to be used: One-inch margins all around, double-space everything (never single-space or triple-space anything), page numbers in the upper right corner. The Works Cited page is to be a separate page at the end of your paper. Look at the Works Cited page of the sample research paper at the very end of the MLA section in the Hacker handbook.
Every paragraph of your paper must contain at least one in-text citation. Book reviews and Encyclopedia entries may not be used as sources in your research paper. You may use only scholarly books and essays.

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