Week 5 Assignment

Read (in order) the following articles, view the webpages and videos prior to writing your reflection for this assignment:
1. Begin reading the information on this Adobe webpage that I made describing the traditional dance attire of Zamora: Music Folklore of Zamora
2. Watch the video of a musician that came to the Tábara, Zamora class to play some traditional music:
3. Watch dances and music of Zamora: Typical Dances and music of Zamora, Spain: (more than Flamenco)
• Zamora (Group Doña Urraca) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljuKAFdEFW4&feature=youtu.be
• Zamora (Grupo Don Sancho) https://youtu.be/u-zZERYFV9A
• Gaita (spanish bagpipes) https://youtu.be/oA_eUyMgVWM
4. NOOOO, flamenco is not the typical dance of Zamora, Castilla y León or all of Spain. In fact it is only the traditional dance of the region Andalucía. Watch this video about Flamenco and take the quiz (located in the “THINK” tab- right side):
• TED-Ed: Flamenco, a Cross-Cultural Art Form
5. After readings the articles/webpages, watching the videos and looking at the webpage that I made about Dance culture in Zamora from above: To write your reflection, begin by responding to these questions: What do you think about the typical dances of Zamora? What surprised you?
6. Next: Do some more research on your own about typical instruments, music and regional outfits, either in Zamora, Castilla y León or other regions of Spain. Write between 150-200 words about your findings and your opinion regarding the traditional dances of Spain/Zamora. Be sure to include the link that you find most interesting that supports your submission. This assignment is due Friday of week 3.

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