Human Trafficking

Group therapy is one of the most successful interventions for adolescents. This is because of the nature of this stage of development and the need to belong to a group. Hearing the stories of other teens and knowing that their experiences and feelings are similar is very therapeutic. Another characteristic of the adolescent stage is a short attention span, so the clinical social worker should tailor exercises that initiate and sustain discussion for adolescents.

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Human Trafficking
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In a 2- to 4-page paper, identify two opening exercises that you might recommend for a group of adolescent girls who were victims of human trafficking.

  • Describe the exercises in detail so that another social worker would be able to implement them.
  • Explain ways these exercises might be effective in creating a comfortable environment for these teenage girls.
  • Support your rationale with the literature. For example, what does the literature say about teenage girls who have been arrested for prostitution/human trafficking and who openly discuss their experiences?
  • How do these exercises promote group cohesion and encourage these teens to talk openly?

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