Case Study Analysis – Human Development

Final Essay: Case Study Analysis

For your final assignment, you will write an essay on the following case study. Your written response should be in an essay format of no more than 1500 words. It is expected that you include eight peer-reviewed references, in addition to the textbook. You are encouraged to use the resources throughout this course and those located on the TRU library website. Under the “Research Help” tab, see “Library Research 101: Research at a Distance” as well as the resources in APA citation format.

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Case Study Analysis – Human Development
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Your essay should:

• critically analyze the case study using both an Indigenous and a Western perspective,
• provide information and application to life stage and the implications for social work practice,
• demonstrate an understanding of your own social location and social issues,
• include a strong evidence base, citing 8 references which are well related to the content,
• be very well organized and clear, with consistent flow throughout, and
• consistently use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

For more details about the expectations of the essay, see the marking rubric provided.

Case Study Analysis

Colonialism has been experienced by Indigenous peoples in Canada as oppressive practices that threaten the very fiber of their society. The Indigenous peoples’ spirit and dignity are assaulted through the taking of Native land, Native heritage, Native children, and Native culture exemplified by the residential school, the 60’s Scoop, and its objectives to destroy the language, religion, and the culture of Indigenous peoples.

Indigenous identity, spirituality, life stages, gender identification, parenting, and communal practices are all impacted by inadequate services provided to Indigenous peoples. Indigenous child development is not only a historical concern, but a current issue. “Less than eight per cent of all Canadian children under 14 are Indigenous, but they comprise 52 per cent of all children in foster care in Canada—and nearly 65 per cent in British Columbia” (National Observer, 2018, para. 2).

Niimi, seven-years-old, and Aki, 13-years-old are brother and sister and have been removed from the reserve and placed in foster care in a nearby city. The children’s parents Dene, aged 40, and Megis, aged 35, have been unable to provide the necessities as determined by the local child welfare office. The children’s grandmother Neebin, aged 70, has Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Discuss factors that affect the development of family members and how the long-term effects of colonial practices still impact current Indigenous childhood development today.

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