Anatomy of the Eye

1. Name five accessory eye structures that contribute to the formation of lacrimal fluid (tears) and/or help lubricate the eyeball, and then describe the major secretory product of each.

2. The eyeball is wrapped in adipose tissue within the bony orbit. VVhat is the function of the adipose tissue?
3. Why does one often have to blow one’s nose after crying?
4. Identi$•• the extrinsic eye muscle predominantly responsible for each action described below.
1. turns the eye laterally
2. turns the eye medially
3. turns the eye up and laterally
4. turns the eye down and medially
5. turns the eye up and medially
6. turns the eye down and laterally
5. What is a sty?
Conjunctivitis ?
6. Correctly identi%,• each lettered structure in the diagram by writing the letter next to its name in the numbered list. Use an appropriate reference if necessary.

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Anatomy of the Eye
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1. anterior chamber
2. anterior segment
3. bipolar cells
4. choroid
5. ciliary muscle
6. ciliary processes
7. ciliary zonule
8. cornea
9. dura mater
10. fovea centralis
11. ganglion cells
13. lens
14. optic disc
15. optic nerve
16. photoreceptors
17. posterior chamber
18. posterior segment
19. retina
20. sclera

21. scleral venous sinus

Notice the arrows drawn close to the left side of the iris in the diagram.
What do they indicate?
7. The iris is composed primarily of two smooth muscle layers. Which muscle layer dilates the pupil?
8. You would expect the pupil to be dilated in which of the following circumstances?
Circle the correct response.
a. in bright light
b. in dim light
9. The intrinsic eye muscles are controlled by (circle the correct response):
autonomic nervous system somatic nervous system
10. Match the key responses with the descriptive statements that follow. (Some choices will be used more than once.)
a. aqueous humor
b. choroid
c. ciliary body
d. ciliaryr processes of the ciliary body
e. cornea
f. fovea centralis
g. Iris
h. lens
i. optic disc
j. retina
k. sclera
1. scleral venous sinus
m. vitreous humor
1. fluid filling the anterior segment of
the eye
2.the “whitew of the eye

3. part of the retina that lacks photoreceptors
4. modification of the choroid that contains the ciliary• muscle
5. drains aqueous humor from the eye
6. layer containing the rods and cones
7. substance occupying the posterior
segment of the eyeball
8. forms the bulk of the heavily pigmented vascular layer
9. composed of smooth muscle
structures (2)
10. area of critical focusing and detailed color vision
11. form the aqueous humor
12. light-bending media of the eye (4)

13.anterior continuation of the sclera— your window on the world”
14. composed of tough, white, opaque, fibrous connective tissue
11 Le
11. The two major layers of the retina are the pigmented and neural layers. In the neural layer, the neuron populations are arranged as follows from the pigmented layer to the vitreous humor. (Circle the proper response.) bipolar cells, ganglion cells, photoreceptors photoreceptors, ganglion cells, bipolar cells ganglion cells, bipolar cells, photoreceptors photoreceptors, bipolar cells, ganglion cells
12. The axons of the cells form the optic nerve, which exits from the eyeball.
13. Complete the following statements by writing either rods or cones on each blank.
The dim light receptors are the . Only
are found in the fovea centralis, whereas mostly are found in the periphery of the retina.
are the photoreceptors that operate best in bright light and allow for color vision.
Dissection of the Cow (Sheep) Eye
14. What modification of the choroid that is not present in humans is found in the cow eye?
What is its function?
15. What does the retina look like?
At what point is it attached to the posterior aspect of the eyeball?
Visual Pathways to the Brain
16. The visual pathway to the occipital lobe of the brain consists most simply of a chain of five cells. Beginning with the photoreceptor cell of the retina, name them, and note their location in the pathway.



17. Visual field tests are done to reveal destruction along the visual pathway from the retina to the optic region of the brain. Note where the lesion is likely to be in the following cases.
Normal vision in left eye visual field; absence of vision in right eye visual field

Normal vision in both eyes for right half of the visual field; absence of vision in both eyes for left half of the visual field:

18. How is the right optic tract anatomically different from the right optic nerve?

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