The role of interest groups in America politics

Historically, many disenfranchised groups have fought for the right to participate in the political process in the United States. However, voter turnout is down and surveys show that many are disillusioned with the current state of the political system in America.

Use the information you learned in the Explore learning module this week about political parties, voting, and elections, as well as the articles and websites below to develop an essay answering the question – “Should voting be mandatory for every eligible adult? Why or why not?” Use additional online resources, as needed, to develop your argument.
What if everyone had to vote?
Here’s the case for mandatory voting in the U.S.
The Pros and Cons of Requiring Citizens to Vote
Should Voting Be Mandatory?
Why Voting Should Be Mandatory in the United States
Mandatory Voting Is a Terrible—And Insulting—Idea
The Case Against Compulsory Voting
Compulsory Voting is Unconstitutional

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The role of interest groups in America politics
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The writing assignment should be a minimum of 500 words and include an introduction with an overview of your essay, ending with a thesis statement answering the question “Should voting be mandatory for every eligible adult? Why or why not?” in your own words.

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