Primary Source Analysis

So my paper is going to be about Israel and monotheism. I have attached all the instructions from my professor and an example of how he wants the essay to be in the upload files. The link to the primary source. I also wanted to copy a conversation that I had with the Pro on this specific topic to help clarify things more. Here is the copy
To save yourself a ton of grief as you write, you are welcome to simply identify the author as Moses if you’d like; I’m not sure if you are aware of the intense controversy over the authorship of Exodus and the other Mosaic books. At any rate, it should not be hard to explain the author’s religious preconceptions, being an Israelite. For the context, feel free to head back to the relevant ancient Near East material to root him in his proper phase of history. For the final section, on impact and insight, remember to keep the focus on your document, not Moses himself. I suggest you read a substantial “section” of Exodus, like maybe the first few chapters, or the actual account of the Exodus, rather than the whole thing, as it is imply too long to summarize for this short paper. Do not feel obligated to read this translation of Exodus if you have a Bible at home that you prefer. I am not able to read a second rough draft for you this week, but you are still welcome to be in touch if you have any questions as you write

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