Neighborhood disparities

For this contract I need a powerpoint presentation to be made and a script that I can go off of to present a 10 minute argument.

“ALL presentations must use ZOOM. All IVC students HAVE Zoom. You will use your IVC email to access your ZOOM account, and use that platform to present your research paper. You and one other student agree to a time when you can host your Discussion through a Zoom room. You will need to post your invitation to your presentation in the Discussion Board for classmates to access it. After you are done with your presentation, you will submit a link to a Google Doc that would include both the link for the recording for your presentation and the link for your Google Slides.

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Neighborhood disparities
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You need speak on your topic for at least 10 minutes.
You will need to create a Google Slide Presentation that represents your argument. It should include:
Your name on the first slide.
Your title on the first slide.
A thoughtful inclusion of words and images that will help the audience understand your topic. You should not have more than ten slides.
After you present your argument, you need to field a discussion on your topic. When you schedule your ZOOM Presentation, you will tell the class in advance when you are COMMITTED to doing it LIVE. That way, if they are able to be there – if I am able to be there, we can log on and give you paper feedback in live time – which is always a better use of this assignment. (This will be part of a Discussion Board Assignment and part of a separate grade).
You need to follow up with students, and me, who leave comments in your Chat Room on ZOOM, or if we leave responses in the Discussion Board.
To have this assignment graded, you will need to submit the WORKING link of your Google Slideshow (Please be sure you use your IVC account for this assignment) AND you will need to submit the scheduled link to the Discussion Board. The submission for this assignment ”

she recommended using one of these styles to organize the argument.

Let me know if you have any questions regarding this assignment.

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