Budget Approach

When dealing with public policy and funding, it is very important to understand budgeting and its various approaches. In this assignment, you research and share information about budgeting approaches.

Write a 800 word paper in which you:
Evaluate how different budget approaches impact the development, implementation, and justification of existing and new programs.
Identify at least two major budgetary reform approaches, such as zero-based budgeting and performance-based budgeting, and their effects on justification of new or existing programs.
Provide a brief description of these approaches and their effects on budgeting.
Explain how these major reform approaches might assist a community as it deals with decreased funding from the state or federal government and lower collections of revenue at the local level.
Identify the impact of these major reform approaches on the budget office.

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Budget Approach
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Include at least two academic resources in your paper to support your points.

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