The Future of Transcription

Imagine that you are the supervisor of the transcription department. The HIM director has approached you about the future of the transcription role and the new emerging technology surrounding transcription. Prepare a PowerPoint slideshow that describes the current, traditional role and the future of transcription technology.

Your presentation should be a minimum of 8 slides (including a Title slide and References slide) and address the following:

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The Future of Transcription
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1. Title slide
2. Current, traditional role of transcription.
3. General explanation of speech recognition software and how it works.
4. Three (3) specific examples of new transcription technology and the specs of each system. You will need to research specific systems such as Dragon Professional.
5. The role of the medical scribe.
6. The changing role of transcriptionists and how they may adapt to the changes.
7. Your prediction of the future of transcription based on your research.
8. Include APA 7 formatted citations for your scholarly references.

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