Single participant case studies

This is a graded exercise. Please make sure to follow the instructions carefully, as an evaluator will be giving you feedback on your submission. You must submit your paper as a file.
Single-participant case studies arguably benefit the individual participant directly, without the outcomes transferring to a larger population. However, the discovery outcomes from these studies have significant value in the scientific world. Examples of case studies in which this research method has been used are: Freud 1909-Little Hans, Axline 1964-Dibs, and Curtiss 1977-Genie. Single-subject design often involves the analysis of a subject in a very uncommon situation. For example this research method was used in the Curtiss 1977, Genie case study. The case study involved a very rare case of child abuse, which meant that other children in the same situation as her, were very difficult to come by.
First, click on the following links to view and read story of Genie: Video: Genie Wiley – An Overview
PDF: Curtiss’ Study of Genie
Using the Genie case, first define the concepts and terms associated with single-participant research design (i.e. operant, phase, baseline, treatment length of phase, change phase, and measuring the response) and discuss how each concept was applied in the case of Genie. Present your analysis in a 2 to 3 page report.


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Single participant case studies
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