Homework Assignment

MKT 325: Social Media Marketing Homework Assignment
All questions much be answered in NO LESS than five (5) sentences.

1) “The benefits of Twitter and Snapchat”
Please respond to the following:
• Imagine you are a Social Media Manager for a company. You want your company to have a Twitter presence, but the CEO has reservations. Give three (3) reasons explaining why the company would benefit from being on Twitter. What types of items need to be placed inside of a Tweet in order to bring greater awareness of a business/product/service to the market? Justify your reasoning.
• Find an advertisement on Snapchat that you find engaging. Explain why you found it engaging. What caught your eye? How do you think you can use this tactic in your homework posts? Include a copy of the Snapchat advertisement in your post.

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2) “Telling your company’s story through pictures”
Please respond to the following:
• Instagram and Pinterest allow businesses to use pictures to create interest for their companies. Create a strategy for using Instagram and Pinterest to draw people in for a company event. Discuss why you have created the strategy that you have. How would you try to bring awareness to a business by using Instagram and Pinterest?
• Through Instagram and Pinterest, visual marketing is clearly on the rise. How do you think marketers could leverage visual marketing within their marketing plans? What target market do you believe will be most receptive to visual marketing? Defend your answer.

3) “Will LinkedIn and YouTube benefit your company?”
Please respond to the following:
• As a social media manager, you will need to know which platform(s) will benefit your company. Analyze LinkedIn and YouTube. For each platform, examine items such as which consumer segments are using each platform, the type of products that should be used on each platform, the type of company that should use each platform, and the type of advertising message, etc. Justify your response.
• Analyze whether or not LinkedIn and YouTube would benefit your chosen company. Why do you think your chosen platform is the best for your business? Provide justification and rationale for your response.

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