Examine decimal to binary and to hexadecimal conversions

Write a paper in which you discuss the various methods that you can use to convert numbers between number bases. Be sure to include a discussion of at least three different conversion methods and provide a conversion example for each method that you explain. You should discuss both converting from base 10 to another type of number base, as well as converting another type of number base to base 10. Include binary to decimal and binary to hexadecimal as two of your conversion examples.

In a final paragraph, explain why it is important that you, as an IT professional, understand numeric conversion methods.

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Examine decimal to binary and to hexadecimal conversions
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Assignment Requirements

Your paper should be 2–3 pages in length. Be sure to use appropriate APA format and cite your textbook or other sources that you used in your paper.

The paper should contain sufficient information to adequately answer the questions and contain no spelling, grammar, or APA errors. Points deducted from grade for each writing, spelling, or grammar error are at your instructor’s discretion.

For assistance with APA requirements, please go to APA Style Central. You will find the link in the Academic Tools section of the course.

Also review the university policy on plagiarism. If you have any questions, please contact your professor.

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