Electronics Stores


Hints for Technological Segment:
This is about the technological development in general and its impact on our industry and
related industries. Please read the provided articles for more guidance.

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Electronics Stores
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Case Subject
Electronics Stores (NAICS code: 443142)
Industry Description1
This U.S. industry comprises: (1) establishments known as consumer electronics stores primarily
engaged in retailing a general line of new consumer-type electronic products such as televisions,
computers, and cameras; (2) establishments specializing in retailing a single line of consumertype electronic products; (3) establishments primarily engaged in retailing these new electronic
products in combination with repair and support services; (4) establishments primarily engaged
in retailing new prepackaged computer software; and/or (5) establishments primarily engaged in
retailing prerecorded audio and video media, such as CDs, DVDs, and tapes.
Illustrative Examples:
Cellular telephone accessories stores
Consumer-type electronic stores (e.g., televisions, computers, cameras)
Stereo stores (except automotive)
Radio and television stores
Computer stores
Project Tasks
Please analyze the external environment of the Retail Industry, specifically Electronics Stores,
based on the following six segments: Demographic, Economic, Political/Legal, Socio-Cultural,
Technological, and Global. You will need to search in UHV library and other reliable sources
from the Internet for data, reports, and other resources as references of your project report.
1 443142-Electronics Stores NAICS webpage
We have already discussed those six segments of the Electronics Stores Industry in the learning
module 5’s discussion board. You are encouraged to get hints from the discussion board, but
please don’t simply copy and paste.
The outcome of your analysis is an essay with 6-8 pages (double-spaced, 12 pt “Times New
Roman” font, 1-inch margins, excluding cover page, exhibits, and references) in “Word” or
“PDF” format. The case analysis will be extremely helpful to your capstone case analysis in
MGMT4309 (Strategic Management) class.
Guidelines and Requirements
A. Read this whole document twice.
B. Read the sample essay in the case project folder to get a rough idea about what to include and
how to analyze it. But keep in mind that you need to follow the length requirement specified
in this document.
C. Read the related book chapters AND the documents provided in the case project folder.
D. Structure: Your essay should include the following components:
c. Main body of analysis including the six segments. Read the structure guide in the
project instructions. You need to follow that structure in your writing, but you can
add more sections and details if you think necessary.
E. You need to do research on data and reports on the industry through UHV online library and
the Internet. See the following section for details.
F. Format: You need to follow APA writing style. APA Guide website
Some Important Data Sources
A. We need external data, reports, and other resources to make high-quality work.

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