Discussion Questions See below
Discussion | Graded
Discussion Question #1: Research Agile Project Management Methods and specifically how it can benefit an IT Project.
Discussion Question # 2: As the project manager over a virtual team, what communication plan will be put in place for interactions between project team members interacting with each other and project team members interacting with you as the project manager?
Response parameters:
Initial posts should be 200 words minimum
Response posts should be 100 words minimum
Minimum 4 responses; 2 to each question
Initial posts should include at least two peer-reviewed article/journal/book as a citation (not including the course textbook)
Use APA formatting to cite all of your sources:
https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html (Links to an external site.)
You can access the databases of peer-reviewed journals here:
https://libguides.lib.fit.edu/business (Links to an external site.)
https://libguides.lib.fit.edu/InformationTechnology (Links to an external site.)

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