Career plans

Your career planning paper should be 3-5 pages in length (double-spaced) and address (a) your future
career plans and immediate goals after receiving your undergraduate degree in psychology and (b) the
characteristics which you believe will lend themselves well to your chosen profession and those which
may challenge your ability to be an effective professional in your field.
1. For the first part of the paper, please describe your career plans in general and specific
immediate goals that you plan to accomplish within two to three years after receiving your
undergraduate degree in psychology (10 points). Please be as specific as possible. For example,
if your ultimate career plan is to become a child clinical psychologist who works with pediatric
burn victims, your specific plans after graduation might include joining a clinical psychologist’s
lab for an internship, volunteering at a children’s hospital burn unit, researching graduate
programs, contacting people who do research in your area of interest, taking GREs, preparing
applications, applying to Ph.D. programs, etc. If you are not interested in pursuing further
education, you will have to describe your ultimate career goals (e.g., you plan to start a non-profit
organization addressing poverty in rural areas) and specific steps you are planning on undertaking
within two or three years after receiving your degree (e.g., applying for jobs in various nonprofits, networking, taking paid and unpaid internships, etc.). Provide specific dates/timeline,
whenever possible.

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