Capital Punishment
The final paper deadline is on the 27th but I will need a 3-4 page draft by the 7/21. I will also resubmit the revisions when I receive them.
Analyze the role of medical professionals such as psychologists and psychiatrists in
interrogation/torture of prisoners at Guantánamo Bay and Central Intelligence
Agency secret detention centers. Or, analyze the role of medical professionals who
participate in capital punishment. Have these professionals violated their
profession’s code of ethics? Discuss your own views about these professionals’
participation: What, if any, level of participation do you think is ethical? Explain
your views using ethics concepts we have discussed this semester.
The ethics concepts that we have discussed this semester so far are: Aristotle virtue ethics, Kantian deontology, utilitarianism, and existentialism.
The attach files is references that I have been reading.
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