Answer 4 questions only

  1. On The Web: Chapter 3 — Windows Upgrade (page 91)
    Be sure to include the Web site URLs that you used for your information.
  2. On The Web: Chapter 3 — Windows Hardware Requirements (page 91)
    Be sure to include the Web site URLs that you used for your information.
  3. Project 10D: Chapter 10 — Working with Windows, Programs, and Files (pages 407-409)
    NOTE the following if using Windows 7:
    #3: There is no Home Tab / Ribbon with the Windows 7 File Explorer, so you cannot answer this question
    #5: There is no UP button in File Explorer; click “View”, “GoTo”, and “Up” one level.
    #6: These details appear in the bottom pane, not to the right
    #8: Preview Pane (if not already enabled): click “Organize”, “Layout”, “Preview Pane” to enable
    #9: If the status bar is not visible at the bottom of the window, click “View” and “Status Bar”
  4. Project 10F: Chapter 10 — Working with Windows, Programs, and Files (pages 412-413)
    NOTE the following if using Windows 7:
    #8: This option is not available (filter files based on Type); you can ignore this step.

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