Why did Charles Manson become extremely violent in the Novel HelterSkelter?

I tried my best to write my research paper but it needs very light editing which needs a thesis statement + at least three outside sources only from the library, also need to use at least 2 quotes from Violence. And, of course, I will need too many quotes from Bugliosi. I have attached the pdf instructions too. all I need in my research paper to use 8 quotes from the book HeltersSkelter, 3 outside sources only from the library and also I need to use at least 2 quotes from Violence. and make it more argumentative or research paper + conclusion at the end. hope you understand and it’s my final paper in the class so I need a very smart person in this assignment, please.

My research paper for editing.
pdf instructions
HerlterSkelter cNovel.
Violence by James Gilligan Novel

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Why did Charles Manson become extremely violent in the Novel HelterSkelter?
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