Single Source

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Read an article from this week’s University Library Readings( You may use the article you selected in Week 3.

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As you read the article, apply reading strategies and take notes.

After reading the article, consider the following:

What was the content of this article?
What was the author’s position? Did they provide reasons to support their position?
Do you agree or disagree with this author’s position? Why? Think of examples to support your position.

Using the Single Source Essay Template, write a 350- to 525-word argument that communicates whether you agree or disagree with the article. Explain why you agree or disagree. Support your position with 2 quotes or paraphrases* from the text.

The essay should be formatted in APA style, which includes:

Original title
Title page
Cited evidence

*Note: If you use the same article from your Week 3 assignment, you may use the paraphrase you created and add one more.

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