Roberts, Randy. Papa Jack: Jack Johnson and the Era of White Hopes

1. Use proper grammar, punctuation and a formal tone. Avoid slang or other informal phrases.
2. Do not use first person. For example do not write, “I think the book was great.” Instead,
write “the book was great.”
3. Make sure that your paragraphs are between 4-8 sentences long.
4. Do not use contractions. For example, write do not instead of don’t; cannot instead of can’t;
will not instead of won’t; etc.
5. Either Underline or Italicize a book’s title. Same for court cases.
6. Once you have used a person’s first and last name, you only refer to them by their last name
throughout the rest of the paper. Do not repeatedly use titles like Mr. or Mrs. or Dr. or Judge.
7. Place punctuation inside quotation marks.
8. Spell numbers that are two words or less. For example, twenty-eight, sixty-three, twentieth
century are spelled out. Numbers like 383, 1935 remain numerical
9. Eliminate unnecessary words. For example, “Caldwell shows the importance of race.” This is
far better than “Caldwell is able to show the importance of race.”
10. Diversify your verb choice and vocabulary. Instead of “Caldwell shows” try using “Caldwell
demonstrates” or “Caldwell discusses” or “Caldwell highlights” or “Caldwell chronicles
11. Do not misuse words. If you are uncertain of the meaning of word—look it up. is a wonderful website. Use it!
12. Organize your paper in a clear, logical manner.
13. Do not use block quotes

Wendell Scott was a racial pioneer who endured many hardships to integrate
stock car racing. After reading all of Hard Driving, discusses the hardships Scott endured in breaking the color barrier in stock car racing.
This is an argumentative paper and not a book review. Follow the guidelines listed above, have a thesis, support the thesis with ample examples selected solely from the reading, and properly cite all supporting evidence.

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Roberts, Randy. Papa Jack: Jack Johnson and the Era of White Hopes
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