Research on how drone technology can help increase profits for online shopping

The attached Word file is named according to specified
The proposal follows the conventions of the format presented
on pp. 435-442.
The proposal is professional in appearance, with effective
formatting and design.
The writing in the proposal is correct. 10
The summary clearly explains the problem or opportunity, the
proposed program, the authors’ qualifications and experience,
the schedule, and the budget.
The introduction clearly explains the problem or opportunity,
the purpose of the proposal, the background of the problem or
opportunity, the authors’ knowledge of the literature, the
scope of the proposal, the organization of the proposal, and
the key terms that will be used in the proposal.
The description of the proposed program provides a clear,
specific plan of action and justifies the proposed tasks.
The description of the qualifications and experience clearly
outlines the authors’ relevant skills and past work and the
department’s (or organization’s) relevant equipment,
facilities, and experience.
The budget is complete, correct, and accompanied by an intext reference.
The appendices include relevant supporting materials, such as
a task schedule, a list of works cited that conforms to an
established documentation system, a description of evaluation
techniques, and evidence of other successful projects.

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Research on how drone technology can help increase profits for online shopping
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