Preparing Materials for Mass Media

Part 1
Choose one of the documents for distributing information to the media discussed in the text including:
1. print news release
2. internet new release
3. publicity photos
4. mat release
5. media alert
6. fact sheet
7. media kit, or
8. pitch letter
For the method chosen, discuss the specific written format, and the content and other considerations needed when creating. What are the pros and cons of choosing this method? Explain with support and examples from the text.

Part 2
If you had a news release on a company, product or person you are representing, to distribute to daily newspapers in your region, what delivery method would you use? Why? Based on the information in the text, how successful do you expect this method to be? What are the pros and cons of the method chosen? How would

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Preparing Materials for Mass Media
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Reber, D.L.W.G.T.C.B. H. (2015). Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics. [Purdue University Global Bookshelf]. Retrieved from https://purdueuniversityglobal.vitalsoursuper

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