Powerpoint Presentation Reproductive Nursing

Each student will prepare a 10 minute Powerpoint presentation investigating a specialized professional nursing role that you are interested in learning more about. The following link has over 100 ideas for different specialties you might investigate.

http://nursejournal.org/articles/awesome-nursing-specialities-you-should-know/?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=email_this&utm_source=email (Links to an external site.)

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Powerpoint Presentation Reproductive Nursing
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Each presentation must cover at a minimum the following aspects of the role; description of the role, responsibilities, settings where it takes place, qualifications and training required, salary expectations, governing bodies and professional groups related to the role, how it relates to the profession of nursing as a whole, and current and future trends in this aspect of nursing practice.

A minimum of three scholarly references used to prepare the assignment must be included in a reference page in correct APA 7 format at the end of the presentation.

Students will upload a recording of themselves giving the presentation. Free apps such as zoom can be used to record for this purpose. I must be able to see you and your slides as you present.

Presentations should strive to be interesting, with engaging tone and speaking style. Visually appealing presentation tools and dynamic oral skills are an important part of any professional presentation. Professional dress is expected when you are presenting.

Presentations will be graded on the following criteria:

Visual appeal of presentation materials 10 points

Information and details presented about the role 40 points

Relationship to nursing as a whole is discussed 20 points

Clarity and organization of information flow 10 points

Reputable and relevant references correctly cited (min 3) 10 points

Oral presentation skills and dress 10 points

TOTAL 100 points

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