Existentialism and Counseling

Discussion Board Guidelines
Please listen to the following podcasts and share your thoughts. Include what you have learned, what surprised you, what you already knew, and what questions you still have. Relate the material in the podcasts to the material you have read so far in the course. In addition, you may share examples, personal anecdotes, or other resources with your peers.

There is no specific minimum word count, however, you are expected to fully answer the questions and give a well-thought out response. This will likely be about 250-350 words. If you utilize any sources, including your textbooks, please cite them appropriately according to APA format (Purdue Owl). Your initial response to the discussion thread is due by Thursday at 11:59 pm.

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You are also to post at least 2 replies to peers on this discussion thread. Your response to peers are due by Sunday at 11:59 pm. The responses to peers should use the following format:

Acknowledge the contributions of the person to whom you are responding
Build on the ideas of the original poster by adding your own thoughts or analysis
Contribute to the discussion by asking a probing question that deepens understanding of the material and/or provide a supplemental resource.


Existentialism and Counseling – Value over Doing with Alfred Palacios

The Courage to Suffer – Toward an Existential Positive Psychology Framework with Daryl & Sara Van Tongeren

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