Example of a Complex Hybrid System

Use the library and other Internet resources to research for answers for the following questions. Write a 2–3 pages research paper answering these questions.

  • Describe the complex email system as shown within the image “Example of a Complex Hybrid System.” below
  • Describe in detail with examples the benefits of this type of systems in real life.
  • Provide at least two references to support your initial post.

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Example of a Complex Hybrid System
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Please note:

  • Apply APA format on your academic writings.
  • provide 2-3 pages long (not including title and references) as a word document.
  • Include title page, table of content page.
  • Use time new roman or Arial as font type.
  • Use 12 a font size.
  • Use double spaces.
  • Add running head to the upper left corner of your document.
  • Add page numbers to the upper right corner of your document.
  • Add a references page to the end of your document

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