A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen

Explain the setting of the play, placing Nora within cultural context, particularly domestic life for women at the end of the nineteenth century. If you wish, you may research the cultural/historical context for A Doll House, particularly social standards about marriage, roles of women, divorce, and child custody.
Format: MLA, 12-point font, Times New Roman or Arial font.
Choose an original title that represents your work. (Think of book titles – draw in your reader, grab their attention!)
Directions: Write a well-organized and developed paper on one of the options below. Develop and focus the paper on an overall, central, narrow thesis so that you are making a clear argument, not presenting a list of general ideas. In other words, avoid plot summary and have a clear point. This is very important!

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A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen
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