Research on Burger King
Conduct some research on Burger King to discover the following:
- How has the corporation grown or expanded its business over its’ life? (Think along the lines of organizational history, mergers, acquisitions, notable turning points in the company, etc.)
- How have the corporations’ finances grown or shrunk over its’ life?
- What are the current financialsof the corporation? (Think along the lines of assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, profit, stock price, cash on hand, etc.)
- What does the future hold for this organization? (Think along the lines of future success, mergers, buy-outs, Web expansion, etc.)
- How have overall management and organization contributed to the success or failure of the company?
Use MLA format to cite your sources for both in-text citations and a works cited page. If you are having trouble with MLA formatting, see the Shared Resources page in Blackboard, or stop by my office. Failure to include MLA in-text citations and provide an MLA works cited will result in the homework earning a grade of zero. You should use at least three external sources. Your assignment should be approximately two pages.

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