Question answer for IKEA india.

This assignment is an INDIVIDUAL piece of work. It represents 80% of assessment and of the module mark. Students are required to produce a 3500-word report to analyse the relevant contexts and answer the questions below.  

The context:

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Six years after making the initial proposal, IKEA opened its first store in India, located in the city of Hyderabad. For Ikea, this represents a further expansion into large emerging markets, after expanding its presence in China in the first two decades of the 21st century. As a result of the success of the Hyderabad store, IKEA plan on launching additional stores in three more locations (Mumbai, Delhi and Bengaluru). Responding to the Indian market and based on lessons learned in Hyderabad, IKEA has altered its strategy and business model in India to include an emphasis on online retailing.


Answer the following questions:

  • Drawing on academic literature, frameworks and case-related data, conduct an analysis of the external environment in this case. Through this analysis, identify and explain the external factors that may have motivated IKEA’s expansion into the Indian market.
  • Building on the previous analysis and drawing on academic theory, discuss cross-cultural issues related to this case, highlighting key cultural risks associated with IKEA moving into India.
  • Based on official guidance and academic literature, discuss the key ethical considerations related to expanding into the Indian market.
  • Growth in emerging markets has been uneven, yet they remain attractive destinations for FDI from developed countries. Drawing on relevant literature and theories, explore the advantages and disadvantages of investing in emerging economies and India, in particular. Critically discuss some of the advantages/disadvantages that might be obtained by IKEA now that they have a presence in India.


Assignment Guidance Notes


Writing and submission instructions:


  • The word limit for the assignment is 3500 words. See below for what is excluded from the word count.


  • An electronic version of your assignment must be submitted via the Turnitin FINAL SUBMISSION



  • Write your analysis as a piece of business communication in report style, using headings and a numbering system, including any illustrations you think are useful. Using figures, charts and tables to reflect trend data can give strong support to arguments you make. Make sure all data sources used are properly explained and referenced.


  • Avoid first person usage (I, we, us) in the report.

Instructions on crafting your Assignment:


  • This is a research-based The assignment requires you to demonstrate that you understand and can use theoretical frameworks in your analysis. It is therefore expected that you apply appropriate concepts, i.e., models/ theoretical frameworks, studied in the module. You do not have to describe models in detail, only apply them well. Also, rather than applying every part equally, you may apply the relevant parts of the main models/ theoretical frameworks you choose to use. You may also draw briefly from models other than the three main ones you use.


  • Your analytical discussion must be supported by a significant number of information sources as well as theory. You are free to gather the information you need from different authoritative sources to make your argument.


  • You should be thorough and detailed in your analysis, and should fully explain and justify all the points. However, there is a balance to be sought between a mass of detail and a thorough, yet relatively concise reasoning. Thus, your writing must be clear and concise.


  • Append only relevant information to support your discussion and analysis in the main body of the report. Appendices should be properly organised and the reader referred to the appropriate appendix at the appropriate point in the text.


  • Cite sources of all researched data and theories/concepts/models on which your analysis is based so as not to be flagged as plagiarism.  Use APA referencing style.


  • NOTE: Referring to the Assessment Criteria at the end of this assessment brief may help you craft your submission well. Note that the three questions (a, b and c) above are only to help your analysis and recommendation. You need not divide your report according to those questions. You should format your report so that the analysis, recommendation, alignment and general aspects (of formatting, flow, references, etc) as given in the Assessment Criteria are clear.

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