Nursing Instructions

“Without question, collaborative efforts to improve health are essential. Working together, sharing resources, and combining talents enhance the opportunities and likelihood for achieving positive health outcomes. Because of the complexity and cost of today’s health environment, public health agencies and others involved in prevention efforts cannot afford to work in isolation…” (


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Nursing Instructions
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For this Discussion, you will examine nuances associated with effective partnership for the achievement of positive health outcomes and discuss your placement agency’s approach.



To Prepare


  • Reflect on your experience, observations, and knowledge gained during your agency placement.
  • Consider some partners that interact with the agency, what do they have to gain or lose based on the agency’s effectiveness?






Post a response to the following questions:


  1. How does the agency gain input from the community on their programming?
  2. How are priorities set by the agency?



Agency is Northwell Healthcare, NY


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