Health Policy Interest Groups

Select one health policy interest group that you see as having had significant influence on your selected health policy issue ***(***Access to quality health care in rural and urban areas is my policy issue**)***. Consider the following key points and how each has increased the impact that this group has exerted on some aspect of the policy process or outcomes associated with the issue:

a description of its history
its current health policy goals
a brief analysis of its strengths in influencing health policy
a brief analysis of its weaknesses in influencing health policy, and
its strategic plan for achieving identified health policy goals.

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Health Policy Interest Groups
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Select one health policy interest group that has exerted influence on Access to quality health care in rural and urban areas is my policy issue health policy issue. They will then consider the above critical points to address how each has contributed to this impact.

Students will critically comment on at least 2 posts by other students who have selected a different interest group than the one that they selected. Comments should be substantive in nature and pose additional critical points for consideration about the interest group .
You must include ONE online scholarly resource that you have used for the substantiation of your position on this question and citing from the two course textbooks below. Be sure to present background information on this resource and explain how the information supports your policy perspective. Share this resource with your classmates in an effort to further enrich their policy learning.

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