Tips for Writing A Good Reaction Paper

Your assignment is to read the research paper titled, “A Study of the Impact of Three Leadership Styles on Integrity Violations Committed by Police Officers.” You are then to write a reaction paper on this article of at least 5 pages and no more than 6. This paper is to be written in APA format and you must provide at least 5 scholarly references. This assignment is due at the end of Week 11, Sunday, 5 PM. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Tips for Writing A Good Reaction Paper

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Tips for Writing A Good Reaction Paper
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Read the given article carefully.
Think about 1 or 2 major points you want to articulate in your reaction paper.
Describe your point first (“Lessons Learned,” “What you agreed on…” or “What you disagreed on…”)
Justify why you think that way.
Provide one or two real-world example(s) – You may use any example you are familiar with, including ones we discussed in our readings. However, please do not assume that I know what you are talking about when you just mention a name (e.g. Enron or Wal-Mart). Provide sufficient background information and how your example(s) support your argument.
Provide how your point relates to the topic of the article.
Desirable Formats

Follow step 3 – 6 to make each point clearly (make 1 – 2 major points per each reaction paper)
After you finish articulating all the points, have a conclusive statement at the end.
Provide proper APA formatting, including citations and references
Your paper must be at least 5 pages and no more than 6.
Please proofread your reaction paper carefully to avoid any grammatical mistakes or typos.
What Not To Do

Just summarize what you read (I want to see your professional opinions – not a summary)
No evidence to back up your point (e.g. no examples)
Provide random examples without making careful effort to relate to your point
Remember! Provide appropriate examples to support each argument and insights about how it relates to Ethics and Leadership.

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