Child development


What is the difference between an annotated bibliography and an abstract?
An abstract is a summary of a source.
An annotation provides a description and evaluation of a source.

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Child development
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Parts of your Annotated Bibliography Entry:
• Bibliographic citation listed alphabetically (in APA format)
• Summary (usually written in paragraph form, approximately 150-200 words in length)
What to Include in Your Summary Paragraph:
• A brief summary of the problem (1)
• Why is this source useful? (2)
• A brief summary of content (this should be the largest part of the paragraph) (3)
• A brief evaluation of the article (What are some strengths? Weaknesses?) (4)


Annotated bibliography:

Connell, A. M., & Dishion, T. J. (2008). Reducing depression among at-risk early adolescents: Three-year effects of a Family-Centered intervention embedded within schools. Journal of Family Psychology, 22, 574-585. doi: 10.1037/0893-3200.22.3.574

Many treatment evaluation studies have shown the effectiveness of individual intervention for the treatment of depression in youth. However, almost half of youth do not respond to these treatments and many relapse within the first year following treatment.1 Further, little research has examined the effectiveness of family interventions for the treatment of depression.2 Within the context of a larger school-based family intervention program, the authors identified a subsample of 106 high-risk youths in the 6th grade, including their family, that could take part in the Adolescent Transitions Program (ATP), a family-focused multilevel prevention program that targets parenting factors related to the development of behaviour and mental health difficulties in youth. Results of the study suggest that those who received the ATP services reported no significant increase in depressive symptoms over a 3-year period, unlike youth in the control group who showed escalating symptoms.3 Unfortunately, many participants did not complete the program, which may weaken the credibility of the results. Findings from this study highlight the importance of family relations as related to adolescent mental health.4

*Each number corresponds to each point that needs to be included in your annotation. You do NOT need to include these numbers, it is for illustrative purposes only.

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