Written Analysis of Data

For this assignment you will be using be using both your creative writing and your analytical skills. Below you will find two sets of data set forth in two different tables. Select ONE of the data sets to analyze using one of the methods that we have covered in this class, t-statistic or ANOVA. Once you have done your calculations and reached a statistical decision based on the data, you will then write a creative report based on your data and your conclusions. Make up what you believe your study was about!

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Written Analysis of Data
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State the null hypothesis for your study
Identify the population and tell me where you obtained your representative sample.
Identify the dependent variable(s) in your study
Identify the independent variable(s) in your study
State how you conducted the experiment. (What did you do in conducting the experiment?)
State what method of data analysis you used and tell me why you elected to use this method.
Tell me your calculation results and the decision you make from your data analysis.
State your conclusion as it applies to your study.

Your paper should be between 1.5 and 2 pages long typed double spaced. While I do want you to use APA format, I do not expect you to have references for your report. You are making up this study. Feel free to use headings in your paper to identify the different areas you are discussing.

The following data were obtained from a research study comparing three treatment conditions. Analyze this data to determine whether you will reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis based upon your results.
Alpha = .05
5 2 7
1 6 3
2 2 2
3 3 4
0 5 5
1 3 2
2 0 4
2 3 5

The following data were obtained from a research study comparing two treatment conditions. Analyze this data to determine whether you will reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis based upon your results. Two-tailed test. Alpha =.05

Treatment I Treatment II
10 7
8 4
7 9
9 3
13 7
7 6
6 10
12 2

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