Write a evaluation on yourself
1. Discuss three strengths of your speech : TALK ABOUT( Your attention getter, tone in voice, and amount of information your speech had) . What did you do well? How did each of these strengths contribute to the success of your speech?
2. Discuss three areas you need to improve upon when giving a speech. TALK ABOUT (Patience, memorization, and eye contact.) Why were these areas weaknesses for you? Develop a strategy to improve upon each of these areas of concern. Avoid trite answers such as “practice more” or “relax.” What goals will you set for your next speech so you can continue to improve?
3. Did you feel nervous or anxious for your speech? If so, how did you handle those nerves? ( Yes you were nervous).
*Write a 5 paragraph essay with intro,body,and conclusion (NO SOURCES)
*(My speech is attached to this order to help)
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